![]() | South Carolina Information Technology Directors AssociationThe Premier Association for InformATION Technology Directors in South Carolina Government |
Sponsorship Terms and CONDITIONSGENERAL The terms and conditions, properly executed by a corporate sponsor, shall upon acceptance and notification of sponsorship assigned by SCITDA Board, constitute a valid and binding agreement. SCITDA reserves the exclusive and total right to control all aspects of the conduct of these events; and specifically, it reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any sponsor. Requests for sponsorship may be refused or restricted due to space limitation or other reasons determined by SCITDA. SCITDA also reserves the right to render all interpretations and decisions, should questions arise, and to establish further regulations as may be deemed necessary to the general success and well-being of the organization. SCITDA Board’s decisions and interpretations shall be accepted as final in all cases. SCITDA will have sole control over all admissions of persons to the Conference. The acceptance of this contract does not carry nor imply endorsement of the product or service by SCITDA. SCITDA reserves the right to restrict any exhibit or sponsorship because of noise, method of operation, size of display, or any behavior that is judged dangerous or objectionable; and also to prohibit, or to evict, that which is considered to distract from the general character of the exhibit area and/or sponsorships as a whole. In the event of such restriction or eviction, SCITDA is not liable for any refund or other sponsor expenses. Sponsor agrees to conform to all rules and regulations stated below. Breaches or infractions of these rules may jeopardize the privilege to be a corporate sponsor of SCITDA. SPONSORSHIP/EXHIBIT TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. PAYMENT: To secure corporate sponsorship, payment must be received within 30 days of receiving official invoice of sponsorship; otherwise, the sponsorship may be forfeited. Checks must be made payable to SCITDA. Payment by credit card will also be accepted and will be charged a fee. Corporate Sponsors with any overdue balance may not be allowed admittance to any SCITDA event. 2. CANCELLATION: Corporate sponsorships are based on each calendar year. Annual sponsorship cancellations must be received in writing sixty (60) days prior to the start of the spring conference. Processing fees may be subtracted from refund as incurred by SCITDA. Cancellations are effective on the date written notification is received by SCITDA. A fifty percent (50%) refund will be given for cancellations received more than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the Spring conference. Corporate sponsors cancelling within thirty (30) days of the spring conference and thereafter during the sponsorship year will be responsible for payment in full. Failure to appear at a conference does not release the Corporate Sponsor from responsibility for payment of the full cost of the Corporate Sponsorship and conference add-ons and may jeopardize the right to sponsor at a future conference. In the event of cancellation, booth space or presentation slots reverts back to SCITDA for use at its sole discretion. SCITDA’s ability to resell the space shall not affect the refund schedule. 3. RENTAL AND ASSIGNMENT OF BOOTH: Booth selection will be made at the time of Corporate Sponsorship registration. SCITDA, however, reserves the right to make the final determination of all space assignments in the best interests of the conference. 4. USE OF SPACE, SUBLETTING SPACE: No Sponsor/Exhibitor may assign, sublet, or portion his space to another business entity or individual without the express permission in writing from SCITDA. At least 50% of the allowed event attendees should be from the organization holding the corporate sponsorship. 5. OPERATION OF BOOTHS/EXHIBITS: SCITDA reserves the right to restrict the operation of, or evict completely, any exhibit, which in its sole opinion, detracts from the general character of the conference. This includes, but is not limited to, an exhibit, which because of noise, size, flashing lights, method of operation, display of unsuitable material, is determined by SCITDA to be objectionable to the successful conduct of the conference as a whole. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the contracted booth space. Sufficient space must be provided within the booth space for the comfort and safety of attendees watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. Each Corporate Sponsor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its booth space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions. Literature Distribution: All demonstrations or other activities must be confined to the limits of the Corporate Sponsor’s contracted booth space. Distribution of circulars may be made only within the booth space assigned. Corporate Sponsors in the aisles or grounds hosting the conference shall distribute no advertising circulars, catalogs, folders, or devices. Sound: Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound projection equipment, or any noisemaking machines must be conducted or arranged so that the noise resulting from the demonstration will not annoy or disturb adjacent Sponsor/Exhibitors and their patrons, nor cause the aisles to be blocked. Operators of noisemaking exhibits must secure approval of operating methods before the exhibit opens. SCITDA shall be the sole judge of what constitutes appropriate sound levels. 6. BOOTHS/EXHIBITS AND PUBLIC POLICY: Each Corporate Sponsor is charged with knowledge of all state, county, and city laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety, while participating in the conference. No part of the building or provided equipment shall be defaced in any manner, nor shall signs or other articles be posted, nailed, taped, or otherwise affixed to any pillars, doors, walls, or other parts of the building. All booth decorations must meet flame proofing codes. All exits, hallways, aisles, and fire control apparatus must remain clear and unobstructed at all times. Electrical equipment and wiring must conform to the National Electrical Code Safety Rules. If unusual equipment or machinery is to be installed, the Corporate Sponsor must communicate with SCITDA board for information concerning facilities or regulations. Sponsors/Exhibitors must comply with city and state fire regulations. 7. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL: SCITDA reserves the right to determine the time for the installation of a booth prior to the conference opening and for its removal during/after the conclusion of the conference. Installation of all exhibits must be fully completed by the opening time of the conference. 8. STORAGE OF PACKING CRATES AND BOXES: Unattended freight in/outside any booth space at the time of opening of the conference will be removed and stored at the Corporate Sponsors sole risk and expense. Corporate Sponsors will not have packing crates and boxes visible in their booths during the exhibit hours. It is the responsibility of the Corporate Sponsors to mark and identify their crates. Crates not properly marked or identified may be destroyed. SCITDA assumes no responsibility for the contents of crates or boxes improperly labeled as “empty.” Crates, boxes, or other exhibit materials must be shipped and stored with the convention center according to their rules and regulations. (This information will be in the Exhibitor Kit). Unclaimed materials by the Corporate Sponsors after the conference will be removed at the Corporate Sponsors expense. SCITDA will bill Corporate Sponsors for removal time and materials as necessary. SCITDA nor the conference facility shall not assume any liability whatsoever for loss or damage to any Corporate Sponsors property. 9. SPONSOR’S GUESTS/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: All corporate sponsor representatives must be properly registered and wear their SCITDA badge at all times. The corporate sponsor is responsible for ensuring that only the allowable number of representatives are at an event at any time. Corporate Sponsor conference passes are named and non-transferable during each event. The Corporate Sponsor assumes responsibility for its authorized representatives to follow all SCITDA contract rules and regulations. 10. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Corporate Sponsors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (hereinafter “ACT”) to make their booths accessible to handicapped persons. Sponsor/Exhibitors shall also indemnify and hold harmless SCITDA and the conference facility against cost, expense, liability, or damage which may be incident to, arise out of, or be caused by Sponsor/Exhibitor’s failure to comply with the ACT. 11. LIABILITY: The Corporate Sponsor assumes all responsibility for any and all loss, theft or damage to exhibitor's displays, equipment and other property, and hereby waives any claim or demand it may have against SCITDA arising from such loss, theft or damage. Corporate Sponsors agrees to comply with all policies for exhibitors and all applicable laws, codes and regulations. subsidiary and other affiliated or related companies from and against any liabilities, obligations, claims, damages, suits, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs through and including any appeals, arising from or in connection with the exhibitor's occupancy and use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof or any negligent act, error or omission or willful misconduct of the exhibitor or its employees, contractors, subcontractors or agents. Neither SCITDA nor the conference facility can or will be responsible for damage to, loss, or theft of property belonging to or injury to any Corporate Sponsor, his agent, employees, business invitees, visitors, or guests. Each Corporate Sponsor is expected to carry his/her own appropriate insurance. SCITDA shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations under this agreement as a result of strikes, riots, acts of nature, government intervention, or any other causes that shall make it impossible or inadvisable to hold the conference or portion thereof at the time and place herein provided. Then and thereupon this agreement shall terminate and said Corporate Sponsor shall and does not hereby waive any claim for property or other damages or compensation except the pro rata refund on the amount paid after deduction of actual expenses incurred in connection with the show and there shall be no further liability on the part of either party. 12. PRESENTATION SLOTS: Presentation slots include one presentation attendee pass for use only during the presentation. It is the responsibility of the corporate presenter to submit presentation details by the dates requested, failure to submit details may result in no information being listed about presentation or removal of presentation slot without refund. 13. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS/SPECIAL EVENTS: Any social function or special event planned by a Corporate Sponsor to take place during the conference must be approved by SCITDA and may not conflict with any event or program scheduled by SCITDA. 14. SCITDA NAME/LOGO USE GUIDELINES: The use of SCITDA and SCITDA logos in Corporate Sponsor marketing materials must receive prior authorization from SCITDA board. [Please email requests to scitda17@gmail.com] Sponsorship of and/or exhibiting at the SCITDA event does not imply endorsement by SCITDA of the corporate sponsor’s products or services. 15. SHOWCASE EVENTS: SCITDA makes no guarantees for attendance or member participation at presentations, booths, or sponsored events. The corporate sponsor acknowledges it is their responsibility to provide timely and relevant information to draw members to their session. 16. CHANGE OF VENUE: If for any reason the SCITDA Board deems it necessary to change the location of the event or its exhibits, SCITDA reserves the right to reassign all booth spaces or agenda, as the SCITDA deems best. 17. SPECIFIC CHANGES TO REGULATIONS: Any matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations shall be subject solely to the decision of SCITDA. SCITDA shall have full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations, provided any amendments, when made, are brought to the notice of the Corporate Sponsor. Each Corporate Sponsor, for himself and his employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto to conformance with the proceeding sentence. 18. DOOR PRIZE: A door prize is to be provided by each Corporate Sponsor with a minimum value of $100. All door prizes will be given away during the last session of the last day of the fall conference, or at the discretion of the SCITDA Board. 19. EVENT REGISTRATION: SCITDA may refuse any corporate sponsor attendee registration to any events where a registration deadline has passed, or capacity will be exceeded. SCITDA’s decision and interpretation shall be accepted as final in all cases. |